Welcome to PixelSwap
PixelSwap is presently in its Beta stage and under security auditing, please be aware of the potential security loss. Also, PixelSwap has not issued any tokens yet, so please stay vigilant against scams.
Please note that these docs are continuously being improved, and some content may change in line with product progress.
PixelSwap is a distinguished modular DEX built on the TON blockchain. Audited by a leading global agency, PixelSwap prioritizes smart contract security as a cornerstone of the project, demonstrating this commitment through significant advancements in security infrastructure.
PixelSwap's innovative layered architecture supports a variety of algorithms, including weighted pools and LBP launches. Moreover, PixelSwap facilitates atomic transactions, enabling the execution of complex DeFi scenarios. We aspire to be one of the most secure projects in the DeFi space and to contribute to the overall security development of the TON ecosystem.
How to use this docs?
The documentation is divided into the following sections, which you can find in the table of contents on the left:
Welcome to PixelSwap
We will continue to update this document as the product is updated and iterated. Please note that this document is continuously evolving, and some content may change over time.
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Further Question & Inquiry
For any question related to development, please raise an Issues in our GitHub.
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